New flag and coat of arms are choosen by the people to represent their country.
On the course of all the month of April 2020, the national referendum took place for the people to decide on their symbols. The referendum was summoned by the High King at advice of the Grand Vizier, the Duke of Sion, and it lasted two rounds of votes.
On the first round, 24 people were asked over five flags and arms proposed for votation, designed by different people. In the end, the "Brum Cross Flag" project won and was ratified by 4 votes in favor, 1 against and 11 abstensions. The flag was adopted on 2 April with the monarch's assent, but as soon as the adoption took place, Lord Lucas Corrêa, Second Lord of the Conclave, raised the question of the symbol's validity on the grounds that less than half of the parliament was present in section when the new symbols were approved. The matter was sent to the Tribune of Truth which judged the session null, and therefore, the referendum should've been realized again. The second round of the referenfum took place from 29 April to 3 May, when another five flags were proposed. The current national flag project was called the "Saxe-Anhalt" project and it was developed by the High King itself based on the proposed project by the Emperor Oscar I of Karnia-Ruthenia, his ally and friend. The project was voted by 32 people and went to the Conclave for parliamentary approval, leaving it with 4 votes in favor, 2 against and 10 abstensions. As half of the parliamentary participated on session as legally required, the new symbols were granted the royal assent on 3 May.
The new national flag combines the colors red, green and white used on the personal coat of arms of His Highness Prince Luís Gastão of Saxe-Coburg and Braganza, the Brazilian who was also the last royal to reside in the Castle of Ebenthal in Austria, whose name served as inspiration for the foundation of this micronation. To the left of the center of the flag, the new national coat of arms inspired by that of the House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, the original owners of the castle; on the green and yellow bars cut by a black cracelin, the cross of Saint James, the maximum symbol of the nation, recurrent since independence. Above the shield, a royal crown.