Demographic census on gender, race, religion, language and musical genre.

From 3 August to 7 December 2020 the Ministry of the Kingdom has realized Ebenthal's latest and completest demographic census. A padronized e-mail was sent to most Ebenthali citizens and the Ministry estimates the participation of 80% of the country's population, including all the foreign residents. The collected data was analyzed and compilled by the Ministry and here it is: Gender: -Active in government: 91,1% Men 9,9% Women -Total population: 48.5% Men 51.4% Women
Race and ethinicity: 57.3% White 38.4% Mixed 4.1% Black Religion: 58.6% Catholics 23.1% Spiritists or Animists 14.8% Irreligious or Atheists 2.9% Buddhists 0.5% Satanists Native language: 65.1% Portuguese 11.8% German 9.4% English 9.4% Spanish 4.7% Other Favorite musical genre: 30.7% Rock and Metal 29.5% MPB, Samba and Bossa 18.9% Pop Music 6.5% Indie Music 5.9% Folk and Traditional Music 5.3% Other genres As of December 2020, the number of registered Ebenthali citizens is that of 169 people, 126 of which are residents in Ebenthal. All of them but one have foreign origin, mostly in Brazil, but also in the United States, Switzerland, Colombia, Portugal, Argentina and Bolivia.