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Census 2021.

Foto do escritor: Ministry of InformationMinistry of Information

Demographic census on gender, race, religion, language and participation in the micronation.

From 1 to 7 July 2021 the Ministry of the Kingdom has realized Ebenthal's latest and completest demographic census. A padronized e-mail was sent to most Ebenthali citizens and the Ministry estimates the participation of 90% of the country's population, including all the foreign residents. The census was originally scheduled to take place in December 2021 but it as realized in advance as requested by the Government due to the surge of new citizens from March to July. The collected data was analyzed and compilled by the Ministry and it available down below:

Regarding gender: Of the citizens who hold some government office: 90.7% are Male 9.3% are Female

Of the total population: 50.2% are Female 49.8% are Male

Regarding race and ethnicity:

Of the total population:

76.7% are White

16.4% are Mixed/Pardo/Mulatto

3.7% are Black

2.6% Other ethnicities

Regarding religion:

Of the total population: 53.9% are Roman Catholics

31.7% are Spiritists or Animists

10.5% are Atheits or Irreligious

5.8% are Protestants

2.1% Other religions

Regarding native language:

73.5% speak Portuguese

9.5% speak German

6.3% speak English

4.7% speak Spanish

3.1% Other languages

Regarding exercise of citizenship:

39.1% (74 citizens) participate of the micronation's social and political life in some level

60.9% (115 citizens) are registered citizens but does not participate actively of the micronation's affairs.

As of July 2021, the number of registered Ebenthali citizens is that of 189 people, 126 of which are residents in Ebenthal. All of them but one have foreign origin, mostly in Brazil (82.5%, or 156 citizens), but also in the United States, Argentina, Germany, India, as well as in other micronations such as Karnia-Ruthenia, Burdette, Vishwamitra, Austenasia and Dracul. Another census is scheduled to take place in June 2022 but it may happen earlier if needed by the Government.



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