King Arthur II's plans on expansion are frustrated.

On this sunday's session, the Conclave of Ebenthal, with twelve out of sixteen members present, voted and approved the Anti-Expansion Law which aims to forbids The Crown, i.e. the State, to create new federative units. The votation ended with 8 in favor to 4 against, thus reaching the necessary quorum (half of sixteen lords in favor) for the approval. The law was proposed in 26 August 2020 by The Most Dignified Mr. Bernardo Soto-Mayor, The Marquis of Recceswinth, member of the Conservative Party in power and Lord of the Conclave by the Principality of New Switzerland. It was a reaction to King Arthur II's intention to create two new and special federative units, one enclaved in Argentina, which would've been ruled by the Count of Three Marys, and another one enclaved in Portugal, to be ruled by former High King Arthur I. According to the King's designations, the two new federative units would be organized as self-governing crown dependencies and would have no voting representative in the Conclave. The Marquis if Recceswinth, on the other hand, thought of the ideia poorly; he sees it as difficult for the Crown to administrate, liable to separatism, and also that would be purposeless to have territories so far away and with no representation at the Conclave by the lack of able-to-be-politicians people. The Lord of the Conclave also manifestated concern with the position of the Sovereign, which could've been threathened by the presence of the former High King in Ebenthal, specially helding significant power in a specific federative unit. So far, King Arthur II declared he will give assent to the law as it was approved by most of the present Lords of the Conclave, but that he will present an alternative project of law in the meantime to be debated in next session.