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Ebenthal joins the International Aerospace Community

Foto do escritor: Ministry of InformationMinistry of Information

The Ebenthali Space Research Institute became the 13rd national organization to be represented at the organization.

Logos of the Internacional Aerospace Community and of the Ebenthali Space Research Institute.

In 1 July 2021 the Ebenthali Space Research Institute was finally approved into the International Aerospace Community, an intermicronational organization dedicated to space research created by a partnership between the Essexian and Aenopian governments. The Ebenthali Government had applied for membership in late May 2021.

Recently the Ebenthali Space Research Institute (ESRI, or IPEE in Portuguese) has accomplished its second-ever mission, the Observation of Jupiter's Main Satelites, better known as OBS Greek Moons. The mission was realized at the Kings Palace Observatory in Gillisburgh by the Royal Academy's cosmologist Mr. Marcelo de Franco and was overseen by His Majesty The King and His Excellency The Baron of Roches, King Arthur's father, in 11 June. Making use of a Celestron Explorer 127 telescope, the ESRI personel were able to photograph Europa, Io, Ganymede and Callisto, the four larger moons of planet Jupiter.

A new mission called OBS Greek Moons II is planned to take place in partnership with members of the International Aerospace Community, focusing on photographin Saturn's moons of Titan and Enceladus, measuring their speed, radius and trajectory. A proposal have already been made for a cooperation between the ESRI and the Space Research Organization of Vishwamitra. The Minister of Science and Technology, The Count of Frantam, has declared he will also propose a partnership to the Ikonian Space Agency and the government is preparing to contact the Aenopian Aerospace Administration and the Essexian Aeronautical and Space Technologies about the development of the ESRI's project 1FSORE (1st Sub-Orbital Rocket of the Kingdom of Ebenthal, or 1º Foguere Sub-Orbital do Reino de Ebenthal in Portuguese).



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