During this month of August 2020, the Kingdom of Ebenthal has signed treaties of mutual recognition and friendship with four sovereign states. They are: The State of Vishwamitra (August 5th), the Kingdom of North Barchant (August 14th), the Vandenwal Principality (August 17th) and the People's Republic of Renderfeit (August 25th). In talks with Vishwamitra, the country's ruler, the Rashtradhyasksh Dhrubajyoti Roy, granted King Arthur II of Ebenthal the Order of Lotus, to be published on Vishwamitra's New Year's Eve list of honors. In retribution, the Ebenhali sovereign conferred upon the Rashtradhyasksh the commed of Grand Cross of the Order of St. Arnald. It is noteworthy that upon recognition, Vishwamitra became Ebenthal's first Asian friend nation. The Royal Government has also engaged in talks with the Abeldane Empire and the Unified Royal States of Australis. Diplomatic relations established with the Principality of New Eiffel in July 5th were confirmed following that country's government transition and talks between the Kingdom of Ebenthal and the Kingdom of Baustralia proceed. Furthermore, talks on the creation of a new Ebenthali federative unit in Europe, more specifically an enclave in Lisbon, begun as Mr. Marcelo Pimenta Jr. increase his interest in micronationalism.