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King Arthur II is knighted at the Order of Schkoppe by the Stadhouder of Mauritia

Foto do escritor: Ministry of InformationMinistry of Information

The Order of Schkoppe if the only Mauritiaanse order to accept foreign members.

On 3 July 2020, His August Majesty The Stadhouder of Mauritia, Lucas, Prince of Woenstein, conferred upon His Illustrious Majesty The King of Ebenthal, Arthur II, the sole degree of Knight of the Royal National Order of Schkoppe, Mauritia's only order to accept foreign members. The honor was given through the Royal Decree No. 351-20 emited by the Chancellery of the United Provinces of Mauritia and published in all Mauritiaanse's news sources as a token of friendshipe between Ebenthal and Mauritia and in recognition for the Ebenthali monarch's efforts along with Mauritia's and many others in promote the Conference of Santiago's and the Brazilian Sector's goals in fighting the modelist authoritarianism and terrorism which plagues the Lusophone Sector and acts against the free will of the Brazilian-originated micronations. Aside of King Arthur, the King of Quinta Velha, the President of Rino Island and the then Prince-Regent of the former Lateran States were also knighted. At the documment, a little edict mistake was commited, referring to Arthur II as III, but it was ignored by the Ebenthali monarch satisfied enough by the homage. The King presented his compliments and thanked the Stadhouder as personally as possible during these Pandemic times. May this friendship and alliance of nations last forever.



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