King and country has been honored for aid it's Brazilian Sector ally, the United Provinces of Mauricia, in the battlefields of Burgundy.

On 30 May 2020 The Most Excellent Chief of Staff and General of the Royal Armed Forces, in name of His August Majesty Prince Lucas, The Prince of Woenstein, Stadhouder of the United Provinces of Mauricia, bestowed His Illustrious Majesty Arthur II, King of Eventhal, with the Burgundy's Vengeance Medal (Pt: Medalha da Vingança de Borgonha), for his support to the Mauritiaanse forces in the battlefield over the ownership of the Duchy of Burgundy won and subsequently extinguished by Mauricia.
Mauricia and Ebenthal has been allies since the first's adherence to the Brazilian Sector and ascencion as an special member of the Conference of Santiago, although it's monarchs has been friends for much longer time. The Prince of Woenstein has been honored by the King of Ebenthal with the Grand Cross of the Order of the Silver Cat for his deeds towards the Brazilian micronationalism and it's support for the Ebenthali monarchy and activities.
May this tie of honest friendship between these two monarchs and these two nations last forever!