Tweny days following the deepest reform the country has ever been through, see what has changed.

Logo of the Konkrëse and of the Ebenthali Reserve Force.
Twenty days ago, in 8 March 2021, the Kingdom of Ebenthal underwent the the most profound reform in its nearly seven years of history almost unnoticed. The leader of the Worker's Party, Lady Gabriela, The Countess of Wittiza, has proposed what came to known as the Ebenthali Bicameral Act: the substitution of the College of Peers of the Realm, the national unicameral parliament, for a bicameral entirely new legislature, which would include an elected lower house. The Act included even the proposition to take down the Armed Forces, which caused a furor among conservative politicians and even moderates. What a few expected, though, is that she not only succeeded in got her proposal approved and sanctioned, but but she went beyond. With 10 votes in favor and 6 against, the College of Peers of the Realm was abolished. On its place, the Der Konkrëse der Raych, translating from the Brazilian German Katarinensisch dialect as "The Congress of the Kingdom", was officialy created as the country's new bicameral parliament. Divided between the House of Aristocrats, the upper house, and the House of Councillors, the lower house, each has 14 seats, two per federative unit. Member of the upper house, known as Lords of Parliament or Lords of Congress, are appointed by the Sovereign to serve theorically life-long terms; members of the lower house, the Councillors, are freely elected through universal suffrage to serve a 6-month term, and it is up to the majority in the lower house to determine the Prime Minister. It adds to this the virtual abolition of the Aristocratic-exclusiveness system, allowing commoners to run for office in the lower house. Alongside with it, the standing Armed Forces of Ebenthal were abolished, giving place to the Ebenthali Reserve Force, officialy called The King's Battalion of Reservists, a non-standing military reserve force to be called into action during war time. The Royal Cybernetic Corps was also dismembered from the former Armed Forces and became its own standing force. Both are subordinated to the Ministry of War. But beyond these changes, the success of the Worker's Party leader, while acknowledging all her and her party's efforts, was thanks to the support she received from the leader of the Moderate Party, Lord Raphael, The Duke of Sion. The two, which had been in talks since February, forged an alliance which, on the day the Act was voted and approved, was formally transformed into a parties coalition, giving them the majority of seats at the former College of Peers. That said, the King called the then Prime Minister Prince Fernando, of the Conservative Party, and announced his dismissal, and in turn, he summoned the Countess of Wittiza and appointed her as the country's new Prime Minister, the second from the Worker's Party in history, as well as she became the first female PM.