Defeated proposal to reform the state leads to rich parliamentary debate.

Painting of King Arthur II comissioned by Emperor Oscar I of Karnia-Ruthenia.
In the parliamentary session held in 30 May 2021, The Most Dignified members of the extreme branch of the Conservative Party at the House of Councillors and the House of Aristocrats, led by the Councillor Francisco Arrais, brought to debate a proposition of a political reform whose center piece is the transformation of Ebenthal from a parliamentary constitutional monarchy into an absolute monarchy, adding yet that the term "enlightened despotism" should be constitutionally used to secure that the throne is always to be occupied by a benevolent sovereign. The Councillor argued that such reform aimed to secure fruitful projects established in Prime Minister's tenure, as it isn't that uncommon that, upon changing cabinets, the newer one in power may undo what the former one has done or achieved, and such actions does harm to the country's stability. The ideia was immediatly met with disagreement by the Prime Minister The Countess of Wittiza who, firstly, dismissed the right of the House of Aristocrats to speak in a project which doesn't concern them yet as it was laid at the lower chamber, and secondly, called the proposal an attempt to create an authoritarian regime to impulsonate the conservative agenda to retrocede into a non-democratic state. She was supported on her statement by the leader of the Moderate Party, the Duke of Sion. Following by furhter debate, the project was ultimately dismissed with 2 votes in favor and 8 against, in a quorum of 10 councillors, but it sparked a discussion on creating a legal mechanism, likely handed to the Sovereign, in order to keep in force projects approved by previous cabinet if they prove fruitful on the event of ascension of a new cabinet wanting to erase the deeds of the past one. Councillor Eduardo Goethe asked for the Tribune of Truth's opinion if this is really needed, given the fact that the King has already the power to sanction and vetoe laws and thus the maintenance or abolition of any taken measure might be right on his alley of power, if one interpret his constitutional powers this way. The Seneschal, His Honor The Count of Iustitia, asked time to consult with the Truchsseses and to give an answer at the next parliamentary session, to occur in 6 June. Consulted by the leaders of the country's four parties, the King's office declared that His Majesty does not encourages such a reformation and considers his constitutional duty sacred and the change not only unnecessary as "likely counter-productive" as "it could potentially kill micronational action, even if the legislative and head executive roles remained, although with less power". Nonetheless, the King declared that if such a reform were to be approved by 2/3 of both houses, he would give his assent as constitutionaly required and move as the politics lead the country.