The High King's to the attacks on the Treaty of Persenburg's signatories.

The Treaty of Persenburg is a document signed by Brazilian micronationalists that engaged in defense of derivatism withing the Portuguese-speaking micronationalism in a initiave chaired by the Emperor-King Oscar I of Karnia-Ruthenia on it's capital, the city of Persenburg, from 12 to 23 March 2020. The treaty aim to provide a major highlight for the practice of derivatism for Brazilian micronationalists, usually target of attacks by historical-modelists micronations and its micronationalists. Participant on it's development and discussions, the Kingdom of Ebenthal joined the signatories when the High King Arthur II signed the treaty as soon as it was presented by the Karno-Ruthenian monarch. An enthusiast of the derivatism and often critic of the simulationism and historic-modelist, the Ebenthali monarch cheerished the initiative and commited himself to it personally. The treaty was voted, approved by 9 votes to 3 with 5 abstensions and ratified on 6 April 2020 by the Legislative Conclave of the Nobility.
But as soon as the treay was made public, the immediate response was continuous attacks on derivatists made by traditional simulationists and historic-modelists micronationalists and their satelites, that expose criticism on derivatism practice as "ignorant" and "dishonest". Far beyond promoting derivatism among Brazilian aspirants to micronational practice, the signatories - including the Kingdom of Ebenthal - intended to establish good terms with each other, in contrast to the rivalry of Brazilian micronations at the time.
As personal attacks to derivatists micronationalists arised, the High King Arthur II made an extraordinary pronouncement on 6 April 2020. It follows a translation of the originally Portuguese statement:
His illustrious Majesty Arthur II, High King of Ebenthal, in view of the diplomatic tension generated by the Treaty of Persenburg, makes it known that the Kingdom of Ebenthal, properly represented in the figure of his august person, reiterates his full support for the entire Treaty of Persenburg and strongly rejects the reactionary movement that emerged from the treaty as well as the execrable attacks by these actors on the signatory nations of the treaty and its rulers. As a signatory to the said treaty, it is the responsibility of Ebenthal and his High King to uphold the integrity of the Brazilian Sector and its rules, which, by the way, were agreed in a signed legal document, including by some of the nations that now react negatively to it. Through this letter, it is made known that the Legislative Conclave of the Nobility of the Kingdom of Ebenthal voted, on the sixth of April, two thousand and nineteen, and ratified paragraph 4 of article 1 of the Treaty of Persenburg, which says: "the Signatory Parties undertake to no longer recognize micronations that call themselves simulationist or historical-modelist, that is, that are characterized as an exercise in fantasy, fiction or that are limited to the simulation of a specific governmental or territorial entity". It is therefore, if not, the only appropriate measure to be taken by any nation-state, whether this be micronational or macronational, for reasons cited by the aforementioned paragraph and article. Unfair and dishonest reactionism will not be tolerated. This is the case, since the Treaty of Persenburg makes clear the recognition of the importance of the contribution of simulationism and modelism to the establishment of micronationalism in Brazil, however it recognizes that the practice of simulationism and historical-modelism are absolutely minority in the international micronationalist scenario, and His illustrious Majesty the High King of Ebenthal urges for a correct interpretation not only of the treaty by the micronationalist governments, but also of the Portuguese language; historical-modelism works the historical model of an existing nation, simulationism simulates the government of an existing nation, therefore they do not configure as proper nations, such as states that proclaimed their independence and manage territories. This unfortunate situation reveals, if not, the existence of an elitism on the part of the simulationist and historical-modelist "micronations", who sometimes define that having established relations with them is essential to establish themselves in Lusophone micronationalism, and that they are terrified for the potential loss of hegemony. Such attitudes and simulations of nations are and will be recognized as perfidious and vile, the result of the purest self-centeredness. Royal Palace of Lindalva, 6 April 2020. His Illustrious Majesty Arthur II, High King of Ebenthal. His Grace Lord Nícollas Reis, Duke of Launceston, First Lord of the Conclave Her Excellency Luísa Somme de Sant'Anna, Marquise de Somme, Minister of Foreign Affairs.
You can find the original text in Portuguese on the micronation's official facebook page.