On 17 August 2020, His Most Gracious Majesty The King Arthur II of Ebenthal issued a royal decree changing several details, from lesser to larger, in the Ebenthali state. The decree was announced to the Nobility's Legislative Conclave which witnessed it in solene consent.
From others things changed, two appear more clearly: the name of the capital and the monarch's style of address. The Royal City of Arturia was rebaptized Gillisburgh. According to the King the change was meant to replace the former name which means "city of Arthur", often seen as an egocentric act which falls on Arthur II's back, while the city was actually named that way by High King Arthur I in 2014. The new name, meaning "city of Gillis" in German, comes as a homage the currenct sovereign paid to his family's forefather Gillis Van Der Bruyn, a 15th century artisan from Bruges. The official decision on changing the capital's name, though, came only after the realization of an informal referendum on which 19 out of 36 city inhabitants voted favorable for the change, 14 voted against it and another 3 didn't voted. As for the monarchical styles, the change was mostly aesthetical but also to level up things. Among nobility, the term "Illustrious" is often used to refer to the lower category of princes. It's substitute, "Most Gracious", was actually only used in few occasions for a few British monarchs and consorts. As an alternate to the "Illustrious Highness", the simple term "Gracious" was also adopted.
Watch the full decree transcribed following:
Kings Palace His Most Gracious Majesty's Cabinet I, Arthur the Second, by Grace of God and Popular Will, King of the Principalities of Ebenthal either side of the Mountain Range and Beyond, Defender of the Independence, Lord of the Northern Hills, Prince of Triunphus, Prince of Engern-Tonna, Duke of Abbās, Count and Baron of Sealand, Hereditary Baron of Roches, according to the constitution, I make known to all my subjects the following decree: Art. 1. The name of the Royal City of Arturia is changed to the Royal City of Gillisburgh. Art. 2. The Ebenthali sovereign's style of adress shall be that of "Most Gracious Majesty". Same-sex consort, heir and his or her consort shall be that of "Gracious Highness". Art. 3. It is established the annual buying of a minimum of 1kg of pyrite for the Royal National Treasure. Each Ebenthalli citizen can contribute as much as possible. Art. 4. As acquired by the Royal Family, the Kings Palace shall be incorporated to the Royal City of Gillisburgh. ഽഽ His Most Gracious Majesty, The King