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The first Ebenthali is born!

Foto do escritor: Ministry of InformationMinistry of Information

Royal princess becomes the first person born in Ebenthal.

Cut from family photo: HRH Princess Emmanuella on her father's arms

On last month, 24 October 2020, occurred the first ever birth in Ebenthali territory: Her Royal Highness Princess Emmanuela of Ebenthal was born in her great-grandmother's home in Gillisburgh to Lady Amália and Prince Emmanuel, first cousin once-removed of King Arthur II. The birth was natural, in a bathtub, as requested by the little princess's mother. As she was not born in a hospital outside of Ebenthali territories, in Brazilian territory as the usual, but in Ebenthali soil, she was the first ever born to be born in Ebenthal. Emmanuela Brum, for short, is the King's first cousin twice-removed. She is the daughter of Prince Emmanuel, who is grandson to Princess Neide, King Arthur's father's older sister. According to the Ebenthali Constitution, all members of the Royal Family are entitled to be Princes and Princesses of Ebenthal, therefore little Emmanuela was born a royal and possibly in the line of succession, as the defined line goes from the King to his closer relatives such as sisters, nephews and nieces, but constitutionally all of his relatives holds rights to the throne. According to Royal Family's reports, the baby is perfectly healthy and will continue to reside in Gillisburgh's West Borough. The news of the birth were cherished by the King who took personal pride to have the first person born at this six-years-old micronation under his reign. The King expects to meet the child at the annual Clan Brum meeting in early December.



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