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The October Reform Act.

Foto do escritor: Ministry of InformationMinistry of Information

Parliamentary Act made profound and also aesthetic changes to Ebenthali national policy.

On 17 October 2020, in session, the formely known as Conclave of Ebenthal passed the October Reform Act, a legislative project proposed by the formely called Second Lord Pedro Carvalho, the Count of Bicuíba, for 11 votes against 4 against, 1 abstension. The parliamentary act brought about profound changes for national politics as well as aesthetics for the country's image. Among them:

  1. The Nobility's Legislative Conclave had its name changed to College of Peers of the Realm.

  2. The Lords of the Conclave had their office name changed to Peers of the Realm; the First Lord of the Conclave's office name was changed to Lord Speaker while the Second Lord became the Vice Lord Speaker; the Dark Lord of the Conclave's office name was changed to Dark Lord Speaker.

  3. The Lord Speaker/First Lord ceased to be freely appointed by the monarch among members of the major party or coalition in parliament. Instead, it is up to the major party assembled to choose the person who will be formaly appointed Lord Speaker by the King who, in turn, get to freely choose the Vice Lord Speaker among the peers of that same party.

  4. The reigning Princes of Ebenthal's federative units were granted non-voting hereditary seats in parliament. The parliament also reserved two seats to represent the non-Brazilian originated Ebenthali citizens.

  5. All politicians were granted the style of The Most Dignified (The Mt. Dig.), an analogue the the British style The Right Honourable but inspired by the Portuguese style of Digníssimo.

  6. The Peers of the Realm salary was fixed in Δ30, while the Vice Lord and Dark Lord shall receive Δ40 and the Lord Speaker Δ50 monthly. The annual expenditure with the parliament will summarize Δ6.840.

  7. The Privy Council was created composed of all the sub-national reigning princes, the Lord Speaker, the Seneschal and the Prime Minister. The monarch, however, has the right to appoint two more members to compose the council.

Beyond the aforementioned changes, the extinction of the Order of Saint Arnald and the Order of the Black Needles as well as the creation of three other orders, the Order of the Blue Blood, Order of the Black Fleece and the Royal Ebenthali Order, were discussed with the King's permission, as he is constitutionaly exclusively entitled to manage the country's orders as fons honorum. The argument for the extinction of such orders relies on the fact they are both very little awarded and purposeless, specially on the case of Saint Arnald's, while the proposed orders would award, respectively, royalty exclusively, enemies of Ebenthal [unilaterally], and heads of state on the occasion of friendly treaties. As the discussion failed to reach a consensus, it was postponed for November and the act passed focused on the legislative house.



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