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IV Ebenthal General Elections.

The National Party paved the way for a new government headed by the New Democrats.

Defeat: after the dissolution of parliament, the National Party loses its majority and leaves the government humiliated, seeing not only the return of the New Democrats but also the rise of the Swedish Party. In the most recent election, held over the course of a week between 23 and 30 July 2023, the National Party, which since April had been in power with a micromajority of 7 MPs supplemented by 1 independent, lost 3 seats in the House of Councillors; Their situation was only made worse by Éric de Pádua, the independent Deputy Speaker, agreeing, in undisclosed negotiations to swell the ranks of the Nationals. In contrast, the New Democratic Party kept its 7 seats unscathed, becoming the new majority party. Bernardo Barcelos, former Minister of Commerce, was chosen as the new leader of the party and was invited by His Majesty The King to form a government in his name. Under the promise of supporting the expansion of political representation to non-Brazilian citizens, the Swedish Party managed to elect 3 parliamentarians, in theory, counting on the votes not only of citizens of Swedish origin, but of other non-Brazilians. However, despite the victory of the New Democrats, his position in government may be uncertain: His Grace The Duke of Aureaburgh, founder of the party and its predecessor, the Moderate Party, has announced that he intends to retire from politics very soon. If that announcement comes to pass, his seat in parliament will have to be filled by an alternate. The Duchess of Zerrenthin, who holds a lifetime seat in the House of Aristocrats and has historically been very close to the Moderates, also intends to retire, she announced. This could mean, although not an immediate loss for the new government, but its weakening, with the loss of two respected politicians. After careful verification carried out by the Verification Commission of the Ministry of the Interior, the results of the IV Ebenthal General Election were released. See below the list of elected candidates and members of the august House of Councillors who left this noble parliamentary house: ELECTED: For Malmünd 1. The Mosrt Worthy Mr. Wellington Muniz (ND, Malmünd)

2. His Grace Lord Thiago Walker, 1st Marquis of Gehilfe (ND) 3. His Grace Lord Nícollas Reis, 1st Duke of Nëbensee (ND) For Minen:

4. His Grace Lord Raphael Sousa, 1st Duke of Sternachten (ND) 5. The Most Worthy Mr. Daniel Vilela (ND) 6. The Most Worthy Mr. Rodrigo Falcão (ND)

For New Switzerland: 7. The Most Worthy Mr. Francisco Arrais (PN)

8. His Grace Lord Hans Scherer, 1st Marquis of Braunau (PN)

For Herrenwald:

9. The Most Worthy Lord Henri Sãens (PN) 10. The Most Worthy Mr. Lukas Degermark (SP)

For Eichenham 11. The Most Worthy Mr. Bernardo Barcelos (ND) 12. The Most Worthy Mr. Éric de Pádua (PN) For Schwarzberg

13. The Most Worthy Mr. Gabriel Carvalho (PN) For Nëbensee 14. The Most Worthy Mr. Oskar Andersen (SP) For Grünhufe 15. His Grace Lord Rupert Ruschel, 1st Baron of Sommerlath (SP) UNELECTED, LEAVING THE HOUSE: The Most Worthy Mr. Guilherme Wünsch (PN, Grünhufe) His Grace Lord João Koehler, 1st Baron of Koehler (PN, Nëbensee) His Grace Állan de Pádua, 1st Marquis of Grünhufe (PN, Herrenwald)

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