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No confidence motion is passed in parliament against PM Henrique Sãens.

With his cabinet falling apart, the Moderate PM sees his position extremely fragile.

Detail of the parliamentaris at the painting "The oath of the Princess Imperial as regent of the Empire of Brazil" by Victor Meirelles, c. 1870.

On 20 November 2022, opposition members of parliament voted and unanimously approved a motion of no confidence against the government of Prime Minister Lord Henrique Sãens after three members of his cabinet resigned from their portfolios.

The political situation in Henrique's government has been escalating since his re-election as Prime Minister on 12 October which, despite this victory, saw the rise of the New Democratic Party and a major weakening of the Moderate Party. The crisis that has haunted the second term of Henri, as he is commonly called, rose to a new level due to Ebenthal's involvement in the diplomatic conflict that broke out between the monarchs of Vishwamitra and Karnia-Ruthenia over accusations made against a third party and demands and positions on both sides regarding this.

In the weeks of November, the Moderate government was unable to reach a consensus on the course of action to be taken in relation to the crisis with Vishwamitra, which culminated in an attempt by Henri to interfere in the work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which , making it clear, the Prime Minister is legally permitted to do so, but disagreed with the previously agreed with the minister of that portfolio, who demanded absolute autonomy and exclusive parliamentary responsibility to accept it. Pressured by the monarch, Henri broke off relations with Vishwamitra in disagreement with Minister Matteo Lucattini who, feeling demoralized, resigned from the ministry, which was followed by ministers Eduardo Souza and Letícia Carvalho, respectively from the Science and Technology and Information and Advertising. In defense of the no-confidence motion, opposition parliamentarians spontaneously led by the former Prime Minister and current President of the New Democratic Party, The Duchess of Frumar, made a point of mentioning how the current government "ignored" the Environment portfolio, formally created in August after pressure from the Worker's Party, and which has never had an officeholder. The no-confidence motion accuses the Prime Minister of "having lost the ability to govern, and soon the confidence of parliament and the people, due to his domineering character, even though his progressive postures are valued". Some observers, however, believe that both the ministerial resignations and the motion are part of a political ploy by the New Democratic Party that has, since its founding, seduced members of the Moderate Party, trying to rebuff them, in order to come to power on a platform independent, that is, without the formation of coalitions. According to Konkrëse spokesperson The Most Dignified Duchess of Montana, the motion is under review and will be voted on in two rounds on November 27th and December 4th.

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